09.12.2005, 20:55
Linuxfanatiker | | Registriert seit: 10.2005 Ort: Innnsbruck
Beiträge: 166
| |
Mybb 1.0 Final Released Die Mybb 1.0 ist fertig!
Meldung auf mybboard.net: Zitat: MyBB 1.0 Released Today, the MyBB Group presents you with MyBB 1.0. MyBB is a powerful, efficient and free forum package developed in PHP and MySQL. Developed with the end users in mind, you and your subscribers will feel right at home with full control over their accounts as well as your control over your forums.
MyBB 1.0 marks the end in along and painful process of various beta releases in our attempt to create a stable working copy of MyBB safe for use in production environments.
This release also fixes two sets of important security vulnerabilities discovered in MyBB. imei reported one set of vulnerabilities, which will not be made public under any advisory. The second set, discovered by tk fixes potential SQL injection problems with uncleaned variables. Coinciding with this release as an advisory outlining that these vulnerabilities exist, however no specific information will be released at this stage [details on affected arguments and files].
For this reason, we recommend all users update to 1.0 as soon as possible.
You may discuss this announcement here: http://community.mybboard.net/showthread.php?tid=5185
Thank you for your continued support,
Chris Boulton & MyBB Group. New Features / Changes
We tried to keep the number of changes from PR2 to 1.0 at a bare minimum to ensure that new bugs weren’t created. Noticible changes include: - A "Find Updated" link in the templates section which allows you to identify any custom templates that you currently have which have been updated since your last upgrade.
- A new default theme, based on ideas off Chris, Darren and Kilroy. The new theme includes an updated image set and logo.
Where to from here?
Several things are underway here at the MyBB Group. You’ll be hearing more about this soon, such as where we’re headed with MyBB now, as well as developments with documentation (the wiki), and team structural changes and new positions. Upgrade Notes
Upgrading your board follows the same simple process that RC4 -> PR2 did.
You will not lose any changed templates if you’re running PR2. Earlier versions require a full revert to the standard MyBB templates.
Assuming you’re already running PR2:- Upload all of the MyBB files with the exception of inc/config.php, and inc/settings.php.
- Run the upgrade script in your web browser at /install/upgrade.php.
- After the upgrade is complete, login to your Admin CP and use the ‘Find Updated’ tool in the templates section to search for any custom templates you have which may need to be updated. You’ll need to update your custom templates to contain the new code, or revert them to the default.
| http://community.mybboard.net/showthread.php?tid=5184 Bugs Fixed- #3635 [F] [PR2] [Portal] Drafted Threads Showing Up!
- #3650 [F] [PR2 w/update] RSS 2.0 not working
- #3651 [F] PR2 Just a small Db typo..
- #3678 [F] PR2 Typo Aligning No - Permission Log-In button.
- #3691 [F] PR2 mySQL error: 1064 (Upgrading User)
- #3713 [F] (PR2) Portal, Stats (on/off)
- #3715 [F] closed board message \'
- #3724 [F] request to join group does not work
- #3725 [F] mod in only one forum and RSS feed bug
- #3729 [F] PR2 686 Default Template Display Error
- #3745 [F] Admin Approval of Registrations
- #3771 [F] Upgrade - Database Changes - 1062 error for helpdocs
- #3864 [F] htmldoctype not changeable
- #3875 [F] PR2 686 possible bug with plugins...
- #3899 [F] New Users are not set to Default Theme
- #3912 [F] postbit_avatar template
- #3921 [F] "Post Preview" button bug
- #3924 [F] Two Problems!
- #3945 [F] uploads don't get deleted?
- #3953 [F] pm Button bug
- #3959 [F] BBcode in Private Messages
- #3971 [F] PR2 Editing user hangs on missing registration IP
- #3980 [F] Themes do not import with the customized templates and missed extra css and few
- #3999 [Dup] Portal Settings - Forum Stats
- #4014 [F] Manually changing people's theme as an Admin doesn't seem to save
- #4025 [Dup] Publically joinable group requests
- #4026 [Dup] PM button doesn't appear for mods on showteam.php
- #4045 [F] Favorite thread can't be deleted in UserCP
- #4049 [F] PR2 686: Notification email bug
- #4056 [F] Hidden break between two variables
- #4071 [F] Mass Email Bug
- #4082 [F] PR2 686: Forum subscriptions don't work
- #4105 [F] Big name, limited field space
- #4107 [F] Bugs with Reported Posts
- #4131 [F] Smilies Bug
- #4151 [F] Next Page Bug When Having Unapproved Posts
- #4154 [F] PR2, Commas' and quotation marks
- #4160 [F] Last Visit 01-01-1970
- #4164 [F] PR2 Bug Found While Searching
- #4171 [F] GROUP-members not shown properly
- #4172 [F] PR2 686 Traking private messages bug
- #4174 [F] yes. A BUG. ~ PR2 ~ Deleting forums
- #4180 [F] Email notifiction on new PM
- #4202 [F] Activation email problems
- #4225 Problems here with Font Size and Applets
- #4227 [F] Installer error
- #4279 [F] Calendar doesn't delete events
- #4288 [F] bbDB->table_exists
- #4307 [F] .inc/languages/ not instal]led
- #4312 [F] Huge Bug in Mass Email System
- #4317 [F] Username style for guests
- #4353 [F] Forum/Category move-bug
- #4363 [F] Notification Of New Topics In Annoucements
- #4377 [F] User Input Validation
- #4378 [F] Minor Bug for Posting URL's
- #4383 [F] PR2 686 bug: Lists and quotes
- #4409 [F] A error ,when user register in my forum
- #4427 [F] Post preview - has attackments that arn't added?
- #4428 [F] Calendar bug [PR2] : need to test day value
- #4430 [F] Problem with signing up
- #4432 [F] Couple of errors & questions
- #4442 [F] Incorrect Last Page For Admins and Mods in Forumdisplay.php
- #4444 [F] Drafts are shown in newsfeed
- #4450 [F] Sending a PM doesn't work
- #4451 [F] $header bug ?? [PR2] problem showing navigation bar
- #4463 [F] Login Page Shows up as Unkown Location on Whos Online
- #4469 [F] bad link in language file [PR2]
- #4480 [F] MAJOR Mass email BUG
- #4489 [F] Escaping quotes
- #4490 [F] deleting moderated topics
- #4495 [F] Hacked: critical sql injection in usercp.php
- #4513 [F] Mismatched Tag in rss.php
- #4519 [F] Option to recive an E-Mail
- #4533 [F] Who's online permissions
- #4538 [F] Warning: array_merge() global.php
- #4548 [F] I got a MySQL warning on my last post here
- #4551 [F] Forum Jump - Wrong links
- #4562 [F] admin/templates.php
- #4580 [F] Delete PMs
- #4585 [F] inc/functions_post.php
- #4586 [F] Who's Online - Unknown Location
- #4619 [F] Admin CP (Groups overview)
- #4648 [F] PM notification
- #4670 [F] Help! Unauthorized Users Reported as Deleting posts in moderation logs!
- #4681 [F] PR2 bug in attachment quotas
- #4689 [F] Error while upgrading
- #4719 [F] Top Poster Statistics Page Bug
- #4755 [F] PR2 - View New Posts & View Today's Posts
- #4790 [F] Archive mode does not work
- #4805 [F] Calendar bug
- #4824 [F] charset is not running in redirection pages
- #4842 [F] Posts are not stored
- #4854 [F] Hidden Profile Fields Don't Save Data
- #4882 [F] Portal 'Announcements' bug
- #4889 [F] Empty subject field
- #5064 [F] Smilie inserter
- #5065 [F] Email bug
- #5068 [F] Private Message System Acting Weird
- #5069 [F] bug when splitting thread
- #5073 [F] MySQL error when editing users profiles in the admin cp
- #5094 [F] Error when moderating group join requests
- #5107 [F] bug in newreply for init navigator
- #5108 [F] Subject of post don't pass in preview post
- #5112 [F] multi validation for post title
- #5144 [F] Forum shows user as viewing a thread even when they don't have permission