Zur Boardunity Forenstartseite
Alt 17.04.2004, 10:09
Benutzerbild von MrNase
Registriert seit: 06.2003
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Beiträge: 2.639

Gossamer Forum

Gossamer Forum
for Windows and Unix servers
Language: Perl
License: US$200

Gossamer Forum is the ideal solution to create, or enhance, any online community.

Key Features Include:
  • SQL Database - Gossamer Forum stores all it's information in an SQL database and will run on Oracle, MySQL, Postgres or Microsoft SQL 7/2000 servers.
  • WYSIWYG Editor - Don't force your users to learn another set of markup tags. Gossamer Forum comes with a built in html editor so you can format your posts just like you would in FrontPage!
  • Completely Template-based - There is no html or language inside the code. You can alter everything the user sees from within our easy-to-use template and globals system.
  • Payments - Receive subscription payments from your users or donations, granting them access to extra forum features.
  • Powerful Search - Make use of MySQL's built in full-text indexing, or use our own portable indexing scheme. Gossamer Forum can search for phrases, +word, -word, by date, by user, by forum, and much more.
  • Robust Security System - Gossamer Forum supports custom groups, and you have control over the allowable actions of specific groups.
  • All Web-based - Everything from installation to program setup can be done from your browser. No editing of complex perl files required!
  • Full Support for Attachments - You can optionally enable or disable multiple attachments to posts or private messages.
  • Import Scripts Included - Support for IkonBoard, WWWThreads (now UBBThreads), UBB5/6 and WWWBoard available.
  • Easy Installation - Our auto installer will do everything from unarchiving the files, setting permissions and setting up your SQL server!
  • Bundled Tools - Our powerful MySQLMan and FileMan tools are included in the admin area!
  • Extensive Help - online help is included, as well as an extensive administration user manual
  • Search Engine Friendly - Using a separate set of templates, you can provide search engine friendly URLS. More details can be found on the support forum.
A perl and cgi learning and resource source site which features the largest perl script archive available, with over 4,000 listings. Also featured are a learning center and a busy Gossamer Forum powered perl/cgi message board for the beginner and advanced programmers.

Heavily modified Gossamer Forum installation that includes a completely customized template and several customized plugins to hook into a proprietary users database. The forums features many discussions dealing not just with Christianity, but also a whole range of other topics and issues.

An excellent site to view changes possible to Gossamer Forum. Interesting modifications include a different colour scheme for each section, and a nice layout change for editing user profiles.

An extensive skydiving devotee site which includes a classifieds section, auction, resource sections, and a busy forum. The site makes use of a forum function which tracks the three most recent members and displays them as a welcome message on the main index page.

A very attractively and extensively modified use of Gossamer Forum featured on a large WWII US Army Air Force community site. This forum features built-in minimized thread categories, made necessary due to the huge number of pre-set threads. Another interesting modification is segregated descriptive tags, or 'post-it notes' on individual threads. The site also features a total re-design of the navigation functions and menu icons.

Gossamer Threads Support Forum
Our support forum is powered by Gossamer Forum, and is the best place to see it in action!

Mac Scripts
Gossamer Forum is proof of how solid GT's scripts are across the board. It is a very easy to setup script, it took me less than 45 minutes to install it and change the templates to suit my site. Great work guys! Ian McGregor
iUNI Technologies Corp.

An automobile club for Triumph Spitfire enthusiasts attractively re-coloured to match the overall site colour scheme. The forum includes a useful help button which provides further information on the advanced capabilities of the program.

An extensive network of portals and content services, this site's use of Gossamer Forum includes some very extensive modifications to the look and feel of the user interface. The site has added a page which links to information pages about each of the forum's moderators.

A large fantasy art site featuring three Gossamer Threads products: Links SQL, Gossamer Mail, and Gossamer Forum. The GForum area includes sections accessible to moderators and/or by invitation only.

A good example of the German language version of Gossamer Mail. Using default GForum icons as a navigation device for the entire site, this German site blends GForum templates seamlessly into the overall look of the website.

An attractive example of the use of the program, with nice integration of the message board area to the overall feel of the site.

This site's forum section is actually comprised of two copies of GForum, with a drop-down menu to chose either the English or the French version of the board. The forums themselves have been nicely implemented into the site, and have undergone a total re-design of the menu icons.

A New Zealand tourism site; this is another good example of multi-use of Gossamer Threads' programs, utilizing both Links SQL & GForum. A very clean and attractively minimalistic site, it's designers have chosen to re-size GForum, giving a somewhat more businesslike feel to the user interface. Another example of a total image re-design of the menu icons.

Alt 17.04.2004, 11:08
Benutzerbild von Daniel Richter
Registriert seit: 07.2003
Ort: Wilhelmshaven
Beiträge: 2.110
Sieht gar nicht schlecht aus. Vorallem die Forenanzeige gefällt mir, wo man die Themen und Antworten ausklappen kann. Nett gemacht!

Daniel Richter
Immer ein Besuch wert: TVBlogger.de - Aktuelle Nachrichten aus der Welt des Fernsehens
Alt 17.04.2004, 14:30
Registriert seit: 07.2003
Beiträge: 48
bah, ekelig, alles - is nix für mich, ich bleib beim vB.

Alt 17.04.2004, 14:46
Registriert seit: 12.2003
Beiträge: 43
finde die idee in der forenanzeige auch recht praktisch - allerdings nur, wenn sie mit hilfe von html/css umgesetzt ist, sonst macht das für mich keinen sinn ...

Alt 17.04.2004, 16:26
Benutzerbild von mowcow
Registriert seit: 03.2003
Ort: Schweiz
Beiträge: 114
Ich find es gar nicht schlecht. Die Forenanzeige ist ziemlich gut umgesetzt.

Jörg Ostwald


Thema bewerten
Thema bewerten:

Es ist dir nicht erlaubt, neue Themen zu verfassen.
Es ist dir nicht erlaubt, auf Beiträge zu antworten.
Es ist dir nicht erlaubt, Anhänge hochzuladen.
Es ist dir nicht erlaubt, deine Beiträge zu bearbeiten.
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