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Alt 18.09.2006, 15:12
Registriert seit: 10.2005
Ort: Innnsbruck
Beiträge: 166

wtcBB 2 Alpha 2 Public release

Endlich ist das Public release da.
Wow... It's been a very long time. But it's finally time to allow the public to see wtcBB 2 at its full potential.

This is a public release for wtcBB 2 Alpha 2

A few notes... Please keep any bug/feedback related posts in their proper forums (for instance, if you can't install it, post in "Support", not in this thread). Same for suggestions.

Bug Report

Also, please remember that this is an Alpha release (and is also the first one), so it is recommended that it only be used for testing purposes.

Keep in mind that wtcBB 2 requires PHP 5.0.1. If you do not know your PHP version, consult with your host.[/b]

Currently, there is no upgrade script (or converter scripts) for wtcBB 1.x.x, although expect one shortly.

You will be able to upgrade Alpha 2 to future releases of wtcBB 2.

A recap on some important features:
  • Language Mananger
  • Vast Forum/Usergroup Permissions Control
  • Easy Style Customization (Including colors, html, css, and more)
  • Multi-Group Membership
  • Conversational Messaging (Like Gmail)
  • Built-In Cron System (For things like forum cleanup, subscriptions, and temporary bans)
  • Caching for Efficiency (Infrequently updated data, such as usergroups, settings, avatars, bb code, styles, smilies, and more)
I anticipate some problems with the first installs, but hopefully it will go smoothly. If you experience any problems with the install, please make sure to re-read the installation instructions closely before asking for help.

And finally...

Download wtcBB 2 Alpha 2
Installation Instructions

I've also set up a Demo board where you can experience the admin panel if you aren't able to install wtcBB 2 on your own server.

Demo Homepage
Demo Administration Panel

Username: Demo
Password: demo

The style system and cron system have been disabled for security reasons, sorry (If you have a special interest in seeing the style system, PM me.)

And don't forget to give a huge and warm thanks to Shelley! I couldn't have done it without her

Alt 18.09.2006, 22:32
Benutzerbild von Scotty
Registriert seit: 12.2001
Ort: 16816 Neuruppin
Beiträge: 718
Ja wie, endlich ist es da? Schreib doch mal was dazu, nicht immer nur ne News kopieren .
Ist doch auch wieder so eine unbekannte englischsprachige Exotensoftware, oder nicht?

Enrico Hahn
Scotty's .NET Projekte: StarTrek Infos X10b, e-hahn Updater 3.20, Easy Desktop Note 1.10


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