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Alt 11.08.2005, 22:59
Benutzerbild von Jan Stöver
Boardunity Team
Registriert seit: 12.2003
Ort: Lübeck
Beiträge: 2.326

Amazon Media Manager für Wordpress

Vom Amazon Media Manager gibt es nun Version 1.5, welche nur noch ab Wordpress kompatibel ist. Update von älteren Versionen ist möglich.

Dieses Wordpress Plugin vereinfacht die Verwaltung des Zusammenspiels von Amazon Partner ID und Wordpress ungemein.
The Amazon Media Manager lets you add items from Amazon's catalogue to your wordpress blog. It keeps a list of things you've added, too, so you can choose what to display, how to display it and more! We've tried to make it as simple as we could for the amount of flexibility it provides and over time we'll be adding more features and "How to..." guides here to help you out.
Für die nächste Version ist auch wieder einiges geplant:

Even before we finished this version we were thinking about a few new features we'd like to add. However, if we kept adding them as we thought of them, we'd never release anything at all! Here's a list of a few of the things to come in AMM 2.0...
  • Paginating large result groups returned from Amazon
  • Ability to paginate the getMedia() output, ideal for index style pages
  • A new 'getmediaQuery' function, to allow you complete control over the data that comes back to your template
  • Wishlist support, and the ability to import items directly from your amazon wishlist
  • A quicktag popup box that lets you build a getMedia() function without having to remember any keywords!!
Jan Stöver


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