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Alt 12.10.2007, 14:04
Beiträge: n/a

EN > DE localization

Hello all,
I'm looking for a long-time teamwork person for translating my software messages (from English) to German.
Usually once a some weeks or months, when I collect more messages from all my projects, I send all words together to translation.

Because all my projects I have written are free, I can't pay for translation, but I offer translation of Your products (from English) to Czech language in return. If I will sometime in future create any commercial product, I offer free license to it for all translators and other co-workers :-)

My projects are mostly various utilities, convertors, HW controlling software, CD autostart software, small games and 8bit computers emulators.

If You want to help me with localization, contact me at my e-mail [email protected], please.
Thank You :-)


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Thema bewerten:

Es ist dir nicht erlaubt, neue Themen zu verfassen.
Es ist dir nicht erlaubt, auf Beiträge zu antworten.
Es ist dir nicht erlaubt, Anhänge hochzuladen.
Es ist dir nicht erlaubt, deine Beiträge zu bearbeiten.
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