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Alt 07.02.2008, 16:49
Benutzerbild von bugmenot
Registriert seit: 11.2005
Beiträge: 21

Wie von Yahoo / Hotmail (MSN) Mail Blacklist herunter kommen?


wir sind eine Community nur leider mussten wir feststellen, das wir zwar diverse User mit *@yahoo.de Emailadressen haben... jedoch keine aktiven.

ein kleiner Test brachte Gewissheit, sämtliche Emails von uns landen bei Yahoo Mail im Spamfilter.
das selbe Mailversender Script von einem anderen Server funktionierte problemlos.

anscheinend ist unsere IP (aus welchen Gründen auch immer) bei Yahoo auf einer Blacklist.

hat jemand einen Kontakt, Email oder was auch immer um irgendwie mit Yahoo wegen dieses Missstandes in Kontakt zu treten?

freue mich über jede Idee
Alt 15.02.2008, 20:32
Benutzerbild von Luki
Registriert seit: 02.2004
Ort: Hamburg
Beiträge: 486
Hello Lukas,

Thank you for writing to Yahoo! Mail.

If emails sent by your servers are being delivered to the Yahoo! Bulk
Mail folder and you would like to prevent this from occurring, please
complete this application to help us determine where your email is most
appropriately delivered.

We ask that you provide responsive, complete, and truthful information.
Please note that by submitting this information to Yahoo!, you agree to
adhere to the Yahoo! Terms of Service (TOS). You may review these Terms
by visiting:

Yahoo! Terms of Service

1. Please provide all ACTIVE IP addresses you are currently using to
send mail:

Each IP address:

*IP Address:
*Mail Server Hostname:
*Primary Mail Server, Fail-Over Mail Server, Bulk Mail Server, Etc:

NOTE: At this time we can only consider active and correctly configured
mail servers/IP addresses for possible addition to the whitelist.

2. Do you have a dedicated IP address or do you use a shared mail
server/IP address (i.e., the mail server/IP address is hosted by a
service provider and is also being used by organizations other than your
own)? If you use a shared server, please specify which service provider
you use.

3. Please indicate all types of email being sent from the servers above,
e.g., personal/corporate emails, transactional mailings, mailing list
postings, marketing messages, newsletters? (Indicate which IP sends
which type of mail, if applicable.)

4. If you send periodic or subscription-based mailings, please indicate
the means by which a user is signed up for your subscription list.

a) Do you take any steps to confirm that the subscription is valid,
or was initiated by the true owner of the email address?

5. How many subscribers do you currently have? And approximately how
many emails do you send on a monthly basis?

6. Do you remove email addresses from mailing list if emails to them
bounce--i.e., for soft (4xx) and hard (5xx) SMTP response codes?

a) If yes, how many bounced emails are required before you consider
an email address to be inactive and subject to removal from your list?

For soft bounces:

For hard bounces:

7. How long does it typically take for an email address to be removed
from your list once an unsubscribe request has been received?

8. Please provide the URL of your web site, including the links to your
Privacy Policy, Affiliate Policy, and/or Terms of Use pages, if

9. Please copy and paste a text-only example of a recent mailing,
including the full Internet headers. Or, include the entire error
message you're seeing in your SMTP logs if email is being deferred or

10. Where possible, Yahoo! uses DomainKeys to determine the original
sender of a message. Do you plan to or currently use DomainKeys to
authenticate your mailings?

(NOTE: Signing emails with DomainKeys does not guarantee whitelist
status or inbox placement. It may, however, make your mailings eligible
for our Complaint Feedback Loop (CFL) program. Basically, when you're
enrolled in the CFL program, you will be forwarded a copy of the sent
email every time a Yahoo! Mail users clicks on the "Spam" button for any
of your DomainKey-signed mail. Each complaint should be reviewed and
appropriate action should be taken to reduce your complaint rates.)

11. Please provide the following contact information:

Company name:
Contact Information (Name and Phone Number):
Postal Address:
Email address:

Once you have completed your application, please send your answers to:

[email protected]

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Due to security purposes, our custom messaging
system is unable to access HTML web pages or attachments. As such, as
opposed to sending an HTML formatted page or an attachment, we will need
you to copy and paste a text-only copy of any sample email that you are
providing us.

Your patience during this process is greatly appreciated.

Thank you again for contacting Yahoo! Mail.



Yahoo! Customer Care


For assistance with all Yahoo! services please visit:

Yahoo! Help Central

Original Message Follows:
das sollte dein Problem zumindest bei Yahoo schonmal lösen!
die Bearbeitung dauert idr 2 Wochen und kann auch abgelehnt werden!

für MSN findest Du hier eventuell Hilfe:
Google Answers: Avoiding the Hotmail Spam Filter

bzw. kannst hier einen Antrag stellen: https://support.msn.com/eform.aspx?p...sbl&ct=eformts

Geändert von Luki (16.02.2008 um 18:34 Uhr).

blacklist, email, hotmail, spam, yahoo

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