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Marco 19.09.2006 20:28

Invision Power Board 2.2

New Features in Invision Power Board 2.2

Invision Power Board 2.2 contains a huge selection of new features ranging from low-end code improvements to new features designed to enhance your community involvement. New features include:

Personal Profile Portal
Invision Power Board 2.2.0 has a totally redesigned portal page with the following features:

* Friends list - manage your friends for easier PMing, to see if your friends are currently online and display your friends on your profile
* Profile comments - allow visitors to leave comments on your profile. You can set to moderate all new comments before they're shown.
* Recent visitors - recent visitors are shown on your profile.
* Your content - show your recent posts / blog entries / gallery uploads on your profile
* Personal statement - add a short bio for others to read
* Member rating - rate other members
* Set your gender
* Easy access to edit your location, age and IM details

New Text Editor
New Style
The text editors, both standard and rich text (WYSIWYG) have been completely rewritten to make them more intuitive and faster to load. Clutter has been reduced with the new dynamic menus.

You can now switch between the rich text editor and the standard editor without the need to reload the page or visit your User Control Panel.

New Attachment System
Upload without the reload
IPB 2.2 has a new attachment system that enables one to upload attachments without having to reload the post screen. The new attachment area is directly below the text editor.

New Style
The attachment system has had a complete overhaul and is now styled along side the new text editor

Monthly Directories
IPB now saves uploads in a monthly folder, making FTP directory listings much easier.

The new system is extensible via the attachments plug-in system. There is now one central attachments repository and plug in modules define space allowance and rendering options.

New Thumbnail Design
Attached image thumbnail previews now have information above and below the thumbnail offering original file size and original dimensions.

Inline message system
Invision Power Board has an on-the-fly message system to confirm actions taken place. This is an important new part to the user interface especially when using ajax when it's not always apparent that an action has taken place.

Help & Support Tab
In IPB 2.2 you will notice a new Help & Support tab. This tab adds some convenient methods for obtaining assistance, or troubleshooting Invision Power Board. We'll take a look at the links found on this tab below.

Submit Support Ticket - This section will open a window to your client area (Note: you must be logged in to access your client area - you may login when prompted after clicking on this link) so that you can view, update, and respond to your support tickets, as well as add a new request for support, or a request for an upgrade.

IPB Knowledgebase - This section will open a window allowing you access to our hosted knowledgebase containing many helpful articles on Invision Power Board and it's various settings and features. This section is updated constantly as more information becomes available, so be sure to check back often for new answers to common questions.

IPS Beyond - Resource Center - This section opens a window to our official resource site IPS Beyond, where you can download additional skins and modifications for Invision Power Board, as well as obtain customer-to-customer assistance for any issues you may experience.

Contact IPS - This section provides our contact information and hours of operation.

Feature Suggestions - If you have a suggestion for a new feature, or a way to enhance an existing feature, feel free to submit a new topic in our Feature Suggestions forum. This section provides you quick access to do so. Note that you must be logged into our company forums to submit a new feature suggestion topic.

Bug Report - If you think you have found a bug with Invision Power Board please feel free to report it in this section to our bug tracker so that one of our developers can verify and correct the issue in a future release. Note that you must be logged into our company forums to submit a bug report.

System Overview - This section gives you a quick overview of your IPB installation and your server details, in the event you need to obtain this information or our technical support staff requests it from you.

The System Overview can show you the PHP Version (and server API), the MySQL version, the server software, the current server load, the total physical memory installed, the total available memory installed, and the current processes running (using shell exec - if this function is disabled, the information available will be limited). The information should be available on most *Nix installations, and Windows 2K and up.

Version Checker - You can verify all of your IPB files are up to date by clicking on this link - any files that are out of date will be displayed in red so you are made aware of the version mismatch. You can then upload those files fresh from your IPB download package if you wish.

Database Checker - This tool will verify your database schema matches IPB's defined database schema. If you get a MySQL error indicating a table or column is missing, this tool will help you determine what table or column is missing, as well as provide you a means to correct the issue.

Database Index Checker - Database indexes help your database engine in determining how to find the data IPB requests of it. This tool will verify none are missing to ensure the most optimized processing of your data.

File Permissions Checker - Certain files need to be set to have Read/Write access so that IPB can rebuild them when necessary. This tool will verify all of your files that need to have Read/Write access are writeable.

Whitespace Checker - Whitespace are spaces or newlines at the beginning or end of your php pages before the <?php or after the ?> tags in your files. Whitespace causes various odd effects, and if any is found you should open the files and remove it. This tool will check your files for you and alert you to any files that have whitespace.

Unauthorized File Checker - Checks for suspicious .php files in writeable directories

RSS Feed Validator
IPB 2.2 introduces an RSS Feed Validator, which you can find in the RSS Import section of the ACP. You can validate the feed in one of a few different ways.

The first method is to just enter a url to a valid RSS feed. IPB will advise you if it was able to connect (and the HTTP Status Code), if it found any channels, and if it found any items in the channel. IPB will also advise you what character set it detected in the RSS feed to assist you in determining which character set to specify when you add the RSS feed.

Another way to validate existing feeds is to click the menu next to any given feed and click "Validate Feed". IPB will validate the same information as before, however it will also check the member name you specified against your database to ensure it is (still) valid, and it will check the forum you specified to verify it is valid and allows posts (i.e. it is not a category).

When submitting a new or edited feed, you can also click the "Validate" button you will find at the bottom of the form to validate the RSS feed before saving it to your database.

Ability to Format Group Prefix and Suffix
IPB 2.2 introduces a new method via ipsclass to format a username based on their group prefix and suffix. The best part about this is that you can do this directly from the skin without any file edits (if the member name and the member group is available in the template you are editing, or if you are applying the formatting to the currently logged in member).

To apply the formatting to the currently logged in member, you can use the following in your template

{$this->ipsclass->make_name_formatted( $this->ipsclass->member['members_display_name'], $this->ipsclass->member['mgroup'] )}

If you need to apply the formatting to a member record in another template (where the group and username are available):

{$this->ipsclass->make_name_formatted( $members_display_name, $mgroup )}

Ability to use Full Editor in ACP
Certain areas of the ACP now allow you to use the Standard or Rich-Text Editor, rather than just a plain old textarea in most of the ACP areas

Guest Posting "CAPTHCA"
Under Tools & Settings, Security & Privacy you can now specify whether you would like to require guests to input a random image code when they post to prevent "spam" and automated postings in forums where guest posting is allowed.

Ability to control username characters
Under Tools & Settings, Security & Privacy, you can now specify which characters are allowable in a username. If you leave this setting blank, IPB will use it's own internal formulas.

Hint: For only alphanumeric character usernames, set this to "a-zA-Z0-9"

Additionally, there is a setting to control the error message that will be displayed if the user uses invalid characters.

Ability to set "Unblockable" PM groups
You can now control which groups cannot be "blocked" in the personal messenger system. The setting can be found under Tools & Settings, Personal Messenger Setup.

Ability to set groups who can override "Inbox Full" error
You can now control which groups can still send a message to a member even when their inbox is "full". This setting can be found under Tools & Settings, Personal Messenger Setup.

Control group download permissions
Just like the per-forum, per-permission masks settings for uploading files, you can now control which permission masks can download attachments on a per-forum basis. This can enable you to show guests that an attachment exists in a topic, while not allowing them to download the attachment.

Separate Forum and Category Management
In the ACP, it has been reported by some new users that the forum and category management was a tad confusing for first time users. As a result, we've split off forum and category management, and streamlined the overall process of adding a new category. Likewise, we've added a notice that will appear on categories that do NOT have any forums assigned to them. Additionally, you need only apply "Show" permissions on categories, so we've made the permission management for categories much easier and quicker to manage.

Applying image sets and skins during import
Previously when you imported a skin or an image set, you had to do each one individually, and afterwards you would need to edit the skin's settings to tell it which image set to use.

With IPB 2.2, when you import a skin your existing image sets are listed and you can select which one (or none) to apply to the new skin. Likewise, when you import an image set, you can select which skins(s) you would like to apply the image set to.

Disable anonymous login
You can now completely disable anonymous login in your ACP. Just set the option under Tools & Settings, Security & Privacy and users will not be able to login anonymously.
Hier gehts weiter mit der Liste!


New Pricing for Invision Power Board

To simplify our pricing structure and offer continued product and support enhancements we have implemented a change to our pricing and license structure.

Gone are the Yearly and Perpetual license purchase options which caused much confusion as their differences were not often clear.

This new structure will allow for technical support and services at the higher Business License level for those that need more help. For those customers who are comfortable managing the software and need minimal technical support – the Standard License is available at a lower cost.

The new license options are as follows:

* Standard License - $149.00 / optional 6 month renewal at $25.00
o Includes 6 months of support and upgrades with 30 days phone support
o Two business day guaranteed ticket response time
o One installation of the software included
o Major software upgrades installed within 5 days of request
o Minor upgrades via easy upgrade pack

* Business License - $299.00 / optional 6 month renewal at $50.00
o Includes 6 months of support, upgrades, and phone support
o One business day ticket response time
o One installation of the software included
o Major and minor software upgrades installed within 3 days of request

* Enterprise License – Contact Us
o Pricing and options vary based on needs
o Support available 24 hours a day with response time SLA available

Existing Customers
Existing customers will be impacted in the following ways:

* Lifetime License holders will see no change to their service. Lifetime License holders will still receive technical support and upgrades.
* Perpetual License holders will see no change to their service. Upgrades will still be made available and support renewal will continue at the current, yearly rate.
* Yearly License holders will not be able to renew at their current rate when their year has expired. Instead, the license will be changed into a new Standard License with the renewal date set to the same as the current Yearly License. At that time, the renewal will be for the above-mentioned $25.00 every six months. Any customers currently on a Yearly License who wish to upgrade to a Perpetual License please contact customer service by October 1, 2006 to request this change.

IP.Community Suite

In addition to the IP.Board license options outline above, you will be able to purchase our entire suite of community products – IP.Board, IP.Gallery, IP.Blog – for a significant discount off purchasing them separately. The community suite will be available, under the Standard License, for $249.00 plus the regular $25.00 ever six months.
Ich dachte das könnte wen hier evtl. interessieren. =)
Ich werde meine Lizenz nicht verlängern (Jahreslizenz) und werde wohl in Zukunft dann bei meinem IPB 2.2 bleiben, was sich imo laut Featureliste super anhört (da mir das 2.1 auch schon super gefällt). Das sie schon wieder das Lizenz-System ändern finde ich nicht sinnvoll. :(

Titus 20.09.2006 15:28

das IPB-Forum wurde jetzt wie es schient auf 2.2 umgestellt, also das Profil ist wenn man sich zurechtfindet schon mal beindruckend, vor allem der ganze ajax-kram!

Marco 06.12.2006 19:29

Heute ist die Final erschienen und mit ihr eine neue Webseite und die neuen Lizenzen.

Die neue Webseite!

MaMo 06.12.2006 20:03

Und hat die Daten schon online :D

Das neue Preissystem finde ich aber schon hart, ist ja doch einige mehr. Leider ist das Demo System offline, so kann man sich die neuen Sachen ja kaum ansehen.

SniC 06.12.2006 20:11

Die neue Version ist wirklich nicht schlecht, auch wenn allerlei Spielereien reingekommen sind, die nun nicht jeder braucht. Aber die neue Profilansicht (inkl. deren Funktionen) hat schon was für sich und auch das ACP kommt jetzt schöner daher. Gut, manche Dinge sucht man immernoch 2h, aber das war ja leider schon immer so :D.

Was mich aber besonders freut, ist die Tatsache, dass Spambots jetzt endlich nicht mehr den Weg zur Registrierung finden. Beim 2.1er konnte ich täglich 4-5 Bots löschen die für Viagra, Penisvergrößerungen oder Casionos warben. Trotz wachsender Blacklist war das ein grauenhaftes Unterfangen. Mal schauen wie lange die gute Laune diesbezüglich anhält.

TAL_NEW 07.12.2006 19:28

Ne Penisvergrößerung... hmmm... die hab ich net nötig:D aber jetzt will ich ma fragen die schon eine Lizenz besitzen: Gibt es bei der Deutschen übersetzung noch Englische stellen? is das ACp auch Deutsch^^ wenn ich mir eine Lizenz zuleg dann will ich auch nen Deutsches ACP=)

SniC 07.12.2006 19:52

Deutsche Übersetzung: Inwieweit nun alles auf deutsch ist, weiß ich nicht. Aber die Funktionen, die man so im täglichen Gebrauch hat sind auf deutsch. Die Übersetzer tüfteln ja auch derzeit noch an der endgültigen Fertigstellung des Sprachpakets.

Deutsches ACP: Tjoa, damit siehts schlecht aus - siehe hierzu: ACP nun Deutsch -

An sich ne schwache Kür von IPS, aber da kann man nix machen. Vielleicht wirds tatsächlich mit der 3.0er Version irgendwann in ein paar Dekaden mal die Möglichkeit zur Übersetzung geben. Aber man findet sich auch so, also auf englisch, ganz gut zurecht.

TAL_NEW 07.12.2006 19:56

Dan wart ich noch paar Jahre ;) (oder sind die schneller als bei Woltlab^^) naja aber teilweiße gefällt mir das IPB vom Style her besser für RPG/Animie Foren. Bleib ich derweil beim vB :D

PsychoWolf 07.12.2006 21:09


Zitat von SniC (Beitrag 38059)
Deutsches ACP: Tjoa, damit siehts schlecht aus - siehe hierzu: ACP nun Deutsch -

An sich ne schwache Kür von IPS, aber da kann man nix machen. Vielleicht wirds tatsächlich mit der 3.0er Version irgendwann in ein paar Dekaden mal die Möglichkeit zur Übersetzung geben. Aber man findet sich auch so, also auf englisch, ganz gut zurecht.

Das ist allerdings für ein kostenpflichtiges Produkt sehr "Arm", man sollte da schon eine deutsche Übersetzung aller Bereiche erwarten können, das machen andere besser und gar Kostenfrei.

Hexemer 05.06.2007 20:42

Das IPB hat ein neues Design verpasst bekommen: Invision Power Services (Powered by Invision Power Board) :(

JonnyX 05.06.2007 21:42

wow, also ich muss sagen, die Profilansicht ist einfach nur genial -_-

Ein Traumforum, aber der Preis ist schon extrem happig

SniC 05.06.2007 21:54

Die Profilansicht gibts schon länger ^^. Der neue Style gefällt mir richtig gut. Schlicht, aber schön. Nicht son quietschbuntes Etwas wie wir es seit jeher bewundern durften. Einzig die Schriftart gefällt mir nicht, aber der Rest schaut schnieke aus.

Aber die Preise werden wirklich immer verrückter. 150 $ fürn halbes Jahr, danach darf man nochmal 25 $ investieren, um Zugriff auf sein Kundenkonto zu haben. Das ist Geldschneiderei vom Feinsten. Bei mir isses glücklicherweise nur einmal im Jahr zu zahlen, aber ein gewisses Maß an Unverschämtheit muss man schon an den Tag legen um solche Lizenzmodelle anzubieten.

Karsten Achterrath 06.06.2007 08:39

Ich muss dazu sagen, ich hab einige Zeit überlegt, wegen meinen Kunden auch nen IPB anzuschaffen um auch dort die integration zu schrieben für die, aber das neue Lizenz Modell. WoltLab, IPB scheinen es ja mit jeder Version zu ändern.

MaxisSpieler 06.06.2007 13:45

naja ich finde das blaue desing besser ...
udn warum machen sie kein neues desing in der version 3.0.0 ?

und ich finde das lizenz modell von vB ist das beste

Titus 06.06.2007 14:48

also auf den ersten Blick ist es etwas "sehr" schlicht, mir kommt es immernoch so vor als ob die Backgroundimages fehlen wenn ich ansehe ;)

an sonsten sehr gut, Tabellen stark reduziert, aber mit leichten Anpassungen sollte das genauso aussehen wie das Originale, was ich eigentlich sehr gut finde

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